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Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant

The Power of Positivity with Dogs! Reflections from an ‘Old Timer’

I’ve been training dogs for a very long time….27 years.  I’ve logged over 11,000 hours of training to date.  Early in my career I learned great dog training methods, and not so great methods.  I used all of the methods I was taught because that is how you do it when you are a young […]

5 Reasons to Consider Private Training for Your New Dog

So you just got a new puppy or rescue dog!  Congratulations!  Most new pet owners seem to recognize that training is a very important part of helping a new dog adapt to the household and respond appropriately in all situations.  Historically, the group dog training class has been the ‘go-to’ setting to train the new […]
emily bio pic
Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
August 1, 2020

An Inconvenient Truth about Dog Parks

What is it about this ever present attraction to dog parks?  Clients ask me all the time about where to find one, if they are safe, etc…  Whenever I am asked, I always feel a slight raise in my heart rate.  Why?  I’m going to go on record right now and state that I am […]
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Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
July 1, 2020

Canine Enrichment Ideas

Canine enrichment provides dogs with active mental and/or physical stimulation to help alleviate unwanted behaviors.  Canine enrichment is most commonly used when a dog is left alone, either in a kennel, yard or house, but can also be used when you are present with the dog.  Most pet dogs spend many hours alone, due to […]
emily bio pic
Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
June 1, 2020

Fence Fighting - Why it occurs and how to resolve it!

I receive many calls each month from frustrated dog owners dealing with a common dog behavior issue---Fence Fighting. The behavior occurs when dog(s) begin aggressively running along a fence and barking, jumping and biting toward another dog(s)/human(s) on the other side of the fence. The behavior can be mild (barking, and running) to VERY severe-- […]
emily bio pic
Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
May 1, 2020

Detecting subtle signs of pain in dogs

Today, I performed a temperament evaluation on a 2 year old Labrador retriever male named “Buddy”.  The owners had hired me for private training to address poor behaviors around other dogs.   As I watched him in the play yard, interacting with other dogs, I became concerned….VERY concerned.  I was not concerned about his behavior toward […]
emily bio pic
Emily Scott, Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
April 1, 2020
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Is your pet ready for training?

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